About Me

Hi my name is Rana

I wanted to first off thank you for taking a moment of your time to visit my site. I also wanted to take a moment to share with you a bit about myself and what to expect on this site.

I am an over 40yo single (coparenting) mom. I have a teenage son in High School and a tween aged daughter in middle school. For anonymity I try not to use their first names on here.  The Monet on my page is actually my daughters middle name. Originally this was going to be a Mother/Daughter blog, but after giving it a try for a bit my daughter decided she didn’t want to be on here as a regular. I believe kids needs to develop for themselves and have some separation from their parents. My son has asked me to limit how much I speak or show him and I wish to respect that, doesn’t change how much I love them.

I love being a mom and as my kids have aged I was starting to notice I had more idle time and that my anxiety seemed to be increasing. After speaking with a counselor I discovered it was time I do more for me again. Let me tell you this has been a tough transition. People are so used to me knowing what they need even before they realize it themselves because my focus was so much on care taking and providing. However, I have always loved style trends, travel, photography, following bloggers, while trying to  nuture a good life/work balance. I have been a working dietitian for 17 years in a healthcare setting. I look forward to sharing some of my knowledge on the subject, but also spreading my wings to other areas of life I enjoy.

I am a born and bred Minnesota girl however many people say I have an east coast communication style as I am far from passive aggressive (aka Minnesota Nice). I believe in honest and direct communication which I hope to exemplify on here. I love Minnesota, but I don’t care for the brutal winters. I also love exploring the world and seeing all sorts of new place and learning about different lifestyles, which you can see even more of on my travel site https://www.instagram.com/theleisuretraveler/

I am recently engaged to a sweet man named Brady. He is often my photographer even though he has no background knowledge about photography, but with a little assistance from me and the little knowledge I have of photography we are figuring it out.  Brady is my lifes breath.  He nutures and encourages me to follow my dreams no matter how crazy the idea. This is something I have never experienced. I spent most of my life focusing on others succeeding while I waited.  Brady has 3 children of his own and lives almost an hour from me. We look forward to sharing more on divorce, divorced dating, making a blended family work, and just learning to love one another better as well as our path towards marriage again. I like to call them my Brady Bunch…get it!

My goal of Rana Monet is to provide fresh inspiration for your life & home in each new season. You will see categories from fashion, beauty, travel, recipes, and home as well as bits of lifestyle tips and quotes (because I love a good quote.).

Please let me know if you want to see more of something on here and bear with me as I learn about websites and blogging.

Cheers, Rana

February 13, 2019