Thanksgiving is upon us. This is a time of thanks and togetherness. I can’t say I always looked forward to holidays. When I was a teenager I found them to be mandated events my mom made me attend. Then as I grew I saw them as stressful events. One could say I was a bit of a Grinch around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
However my kids grew and have become closer and closer to adulthood themselves I see the holidays so different. I now hold on to every moment I have to be with them and my family closely. This is truly a time to embrace having them home and making memories. A time to cherish them as young adults when their only cares in the world are about themselves. Goodness I wish I had appreciated being a kid more.
Now, I love when holidays come. I love these moments together. I completely understand why family time is so important.
Every Thanksgiving I ask the kids what is one food you are looking forward to having at grandma and grandpa’s house. My daughter quickly responds with mashed potatoes. I know her answer will probably never change that is just who she is. My son says stuffing. I giggle inside because his grandma just makes Stove Top. However I will admit she spices it up with cranberries, and I know my son takes note of this.
Every year we join my parents and sister to feast and gather. My mom, is always frantic, as she wants everything just right. Something I also understand now that I am a parent. My dad is your typical Clark Griswold, tending to the bird and doing all the manly tasks for the day. He makes some unusual glaze that never quite makes sense, but somehow tastes great. My sister is low key. Her boys are younger and eager to show off a new tech game or fun gizmo they have. They are a bundle of energy and often entertain us all. My teenagers look forward to the food. They eat up, have full happy tummies, and are excited for leftovers.
After dinner we often play games. Something we can all giggle at. Its heartwarming. Then it is on to pie and some decaf Cameron’s coffee. Yes, the whole family loves our Cameron’s coffee. The kids usually watch a movie or play on their phones and us adults sip our coffee and chat. It is a special time that I am forever grateful for. Yes this Holiday Grinch’s heart has doubled in size.

I truly hope you all can take a moment and just embrace the day.
Cheers from my home to yours,