Charity West has navigated the challenges of creating a successful business while staying true to her passions of being a mother, wife and self taught sewer. I talked to the founder of Mercy Grey Designs, https://mercy-grey-design-co.myshopify.com/pages/about-us the Pendleton wool bag designer, about creating and sustaining a unique business, her unique career transition, and how it always comes back to the customers satisfaction in the end that drives her. Charity has been an honest breath of fresh air to collaborate with. She is open minded, somewhat self deprecating, but has a strong vision of her business that resonates in her products.
Rana Monet: How did you start your career?
Charity: Mercy Grey Designs started because I was in need of a challenge. I taught myself how to sew tote bags via YouTube and Pinterest just to see if I could figure out how to do it, and I ended up loving it. When I started working with Pendleton Wool I was contacted by a lot of online marketplaces and learned the wholesale side of business. I feel like I have learned everything business related on the fly and as things come my way. Mercy Grey has come with a ton of hard work, a lot of determination, combined with my Mamas prayers. I love working with Pendleton Wool because of the incredible quality, gorgeous colors, and clean lines. It really is a dream product to work with.
Rana Monet: What has been the most rewarding part of being a business owner?

Charity: The most rewarding thing about being a business owner is seeing the people that love their bags! That is by far my favorite part. I have to say it’s insane to have people recognize a design and just know it is a Mercy Grey. Seriously, surreal.
Rana Monet: What has been the most challenging part of being a business owner?
Charity: The hardest part for sure is looking around and seeing the people that are copying designs and taking credit for them. It happens more than you would think and it used to really bog me down. Over the last couple of years I’ve become more confident in our brand and have also learned to not go looking for copiers as nothing is more discouraging and upsetting. Though with time I have also come to learn the true originators stand the test of time while the copiers fall off.
Rana Monet: Yes I know that feeling and love that you are reminding us to turn the other way. As they say copying is the biggest form of flattery, but I can completely relate to the discouragement and frustration behind it.

Rana Monet: Outside of your business tell me a bit about yourself and things you like to do?
Charity: Away from Mercy Grey Designs I’m a mother to 4 fantastic kids and married to the best guy. I am so grateful for the life we live. My husband is also a business owner and I am so thankful for the insight and wisdom he brings. Regarding hobbies, running is my favorite and keeps me sane. We love staying active with our kids. When we’re looking for a getaway you can find us at the beach or in Bend, bike riding, and enjoying the mountains in Oregon.
Rana Monet: I still can’t believe you have a household of 2 business owners with 4 kids. That is purely admirable and a true testament to where there is a will there is a way.
Rana Monet: Do you have a favorite product of your own currently?
Charity: I’m super into our bags that are backpacks! We just did a day at the zoo with Brinn and Crew (my two youngest) and holy cow, I am in love! Seriously, so handy to be able to go from shoulder bag to backpack and it held so much. I’m a huge sucker for black and white and the caramel leather is dreamy.
Rana Monet: I can attest to the tote/backpack. I use it for my laptop and photography equipment and it is not only stylish and unique, but so handy. If we are out hiking and I switch to backpack style vs if I am just walking into a Starbucks to do some work and want a professional looking tote that screams this gal knows style. It is a must have in my book.

Rana Monet: Finally where did the name Mercy Grey come from?
Charity: My daughters middle name is Mercy and Grey seemed neutral. I don’t know it just sounded good together.
Rana Monet: I love that we have that in common. Monet is my daughter’s middle name. Always important to tie it back to family which is the primary reason we do what we do. Thank you so much for your time Charity and sharing your story with us. Any last minute advice for anyone starting their own self starter business?
Charity: Yes thank you just remember it is all about trial and error, and grit. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. If you had asked me years ago if I would of been running my own sewing business I would of laughed, but I am so glad I persevered through the hard times because I love what I do.
Rana Monet: Isn’t that the truth. If you haven’t yet you will want to check out Mercy Grey designs https://mercy-grey-design-co.myshopify.com/pages/about-us . I want to thank Charity West of Mercy Grey Designs again for taking the time with us today.