To me there is nothing better than the smell of fresh roasted coffee brewing when I get up in the morning. It immediately gets my day off to a good start. National Coffee Day lands on Septemember 29 this year and I will be celebrating with my favorite Cameron’s Coffee brew from the comforts of my own home.
Coffee has surrounded so many special moments in my life from taking on a challenge at work to spending quality time with those I love. my partnership with Cameron’s Coffee has been such a blessing this last year with Covid and quarantine. I have fully embraced skipping those long coffee shop lines and found a new appreciation for staying home and enjoying my favorite cup of coffee on my couch looking out my window. No mask required. You can grab it at your local grocery store or if you want to avoid the lines all together order online at https://www.cameronscoffee.com

With 2020 having been so stressful it’s a perfect time to celebrate something. If you are looking for some ideas on how to enjoy this day here are a few.
- Wake up a bit early and get your coffee brewing. I love to sleep in, but every now and again I like to wake up before the kids, make my coffee, sit on my couch and watch the sun come up. It is so peaceful and allows one to set the day on with the right intention. Bonus you could light a candle or write down a few things you are grateful for or intentions for the day.

- A celebration is even better when sharing it with those you love. Make a special breakfast for you and your partner, family, kids etc. My kids love when I surprise them with a good breakfast before school and not just the typical cereal or toast. Sit down with your favorite cup of joe and enjoy a fun conversation with those around you. To me this is where the memories are made.

- Plan a coffee date with friends. I love meeting my girlfriends for coffee, but this season I enjoy hosting small coffee date at home. Grab some scones, Cameron’s, and fresh fruit and catch up with your closest’s.
To all my fellow coffee lovers I hope you have the best National Coffee Day!