Summer is in full swing and for me that often has me thinking cabin time, taking in all the family moments, and starting my day with Cameron’s Coffee. Even when we are traveling to a cabin we make sure to pack our favorite blends. The summer months are often full of hustle and bustle. I have learned over the years the importance of slowing down and savoring the moments especially as a Minnesotan when the summer season is short lived.
Here are a few ways that I like to slow down during the summer time…
There is something about nature that just centers me. Going on hikes, picnics, and sitting by the lake for a bit really help to take in the moment and appreciate the warm months.

Whenever I start to feel the summer stress with sports, work, having kids home all day I know I am in need of getting away for a weekend. We love booking Airbnbs to cabins during the summer months and just slowing down. My morning routine becomes very intentional when I travel. I don’t set an alarm clock. I make some Camerons coffee (yes I bring it with me, its that good) and sit outside listening to nature. It honestly is my favorite way to reset from the go go go of life. It’s a good reminder that coffee doesn’t have to be our liquid productivity that we need to get a million things done. It can also be our companion for taking a moment to ourselves, to slow down and sip in the good around us.

Honestly I am not a good journal writer and I often forget to write in my journal. For me I have found keeping a gratitude journal keeps a pep in my step and my stress level low. Writing down a few things you are truly grateful for when needed helps to turn a bad day around.

There is no debate that technology has added to our daily stress. Take some time to unplug and just take in whatever moment you are experiencing, Maybe it’s a no phone policy at dinner, maybe it is going for a walk without a podcast playing. For me I find unplugging also helps me to really focus on others and truly be present.

I hope these tips help you to cherish more summer moments, destress, and live your best summer yet.