Spring is in the air

The snow has melted and the rain has fell. The world went from a majestic white to a youthful spring green all in a matter of months. I truly love the change of seasons. With spring comes people getting out of their homes, walks, gardening, grilling, and spring cleaning. The trees start to blossom and birds are nesting. The sun warms the earth and everything feels fresh and new again.

Even though in Minnesota the flowers are slow to pop their heads out. We see the tulips and sunny daffodils coming out to say hello and welcome us to spring.

We crack windows and hear the kids giggling and playing again outside. They come running in with muddy feet and wind blown hair. Smiles from ear to ear on their faces remind me of my own younger days. Truly some timeless things like fresh air, green grass, and sunshine are hard to beat. Below I am leaving a few of my favorite spring uplifting quotes to inspire you and hopefully bring you some joy.

“The Earth laughs in flowers”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Where flowers bloom so does hope”-Lady Bird Johnson

“A kind word is like a spring day”- unknown

“Spring, a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be.” -dayspring.com

May 9, 2020