Strange Times

2020 brought with it the new superbug, Covid-19 or Corona virus. It has been an eery time. Never in my life would I have thought face masks would become a fashion statement and be worn in a grocery store. We are living in a time of uncertainty. With uncertainty often comes anxiety and stress. People are asked to stay home if possible. Healthcare workers are feeling challenged regarding showing up to an illness with no treatment and following their oath vs staying home and feeling safe.

I am a healthcare worker and I can attest to the strange feeling of going into the hospital day after day knowing I am putting myself and my family at risk. My inner mama bear wants to keep us safe inside and stay home. However, that is not an option.

Like many we learn how to cope with the quarantine. We nurture passions, we often become more domestic, or we may even try to better ourselves. Lockdown has taught us all to slow down and to be present with our families. It has taught us how much we appreciate convenience. I have found myself truly enjoying the slower pace. I love having some time to actually cook a meal and not be running the kids all over the place, I enjoy having my kids home and even watching them learn via e-learning. My daughter and I have been working out together everyday and my son joined me on a no sugar challenge.

We now sit down for meals and break bread. I find we are setting phones aside more and more and actually talking, I do miss watching them nuture their interests in sports and activities, but it has taught me how carried away we have all become with every sport being year round. My kids even seem less stressed, which just shows me that school has become so demanding that they are missing out on being kids.

Overall, it may be an eery time. Yet I like to think it has also been a welcome break and time to create new memories.

May 9, 2020