Introducing Cameron’s Coffee Collaboration

I am thrilled to share my new collaboration with Cameron’s Coffee brand. When Shannon, Marketing Manager for Cameron’s Coffee, messaged me she had no idea what Cameron’s Coffee meant to me. Let’s rewind a bit to a 33 year old Rana, aka virgin coffee drinker. Everyone around me seemed to be pumping the warm caffeine laden beverage into their bloodstream all day as if tapped into the IV of life also known as coffee. Somehow I managed to get by staying a virgin coffee drinker. I prided myself on my ability to refrain. However, life started to get crazy being a working mom of two young toddlers. I decided it may be time to get a jolt of the life force.

Like any ‘virgin’ anything I tried sips of my friends coffees and reacted with a face of disgust. I asked myself how was it possible so many people could be drinking this bitter awful beverage? I had resigned that I may be a coffee virgin forever. Just the extra tired mom with zero energy.

Then one Tuesday afternoon I was over at a friends house. She was brewing a coffee roast that smelled so delicious. She asked me if I would like a cup. I passed and started telling her my journey with coffee thus far. How I couldn’t drink it, as it tasted like burnt acidic beans and I had no clue why people loved it. She giggled and told me to just try hers. With reservation I took a sip, but to my surprise I didn’t respond with a chagrined expression. Instead I rather enjoyed it. The taste was warm, creamy, smooth with hints of of caramel, vanilla, butterscotch, and I even detected a rum flavor. I asked her what was this drink because it could not be the disgusting coffee I had been trying. She smiled and grabbed a bag of Cameron’s Coffee Highlander Grog.

From then on I was a convert. I have tried so many of the flavors and even when I later in life switched to decaf I was blown away by their numerous flavor blends for decaffeinated coffee, which I found to be very hard to find with other brands. The taste always remained smooth and never bitter and has never disappointed.

Long story short when Shannon reached out and asked if I might be interested in an Ambassador Program, I jumped at the chance to support this business. I truly do believe in the Cameron brand, which is the goal of any blogger to represent a product they actually use and believe in. I look forward to sharing their brand with each of you over the next few months and hope to make some of you Cameron’s converts.



December 7, 2019
May 9, 2020